Environment and Quality

Flüggers journey to become an eco-friendly and low-energy consuming manufacturer of paint products has been far reaching, and continues to this day.

The journey began in the 1970s when Flügger built a new factory in Kolding, for the sole purpose of producing eco-friendly water-based paints. Part of the journey involved replacing dyes containing heavy metals with new alternatives, which had to be both colorfast and suitable for outdoor use. Our production facilities in Denmark and Sweden achieved ISO 14001 certification in 2005. Our wallpaper production facility in Poland followed suit in 2011, as did our paint production in China in 2012.

The focus in recent years has been on biocides, which can be allergenic in certain situations. Flügger is at the forefront of developments, and most of our products for indoor use bear the Ecolabel. This gives users objective information about any potential health hazards associated with using a product.

Flügger strives to label products and declare their contents in such a way that our customers are informed about the contents – also when this means providing more information than what is required by legislation. Flügger has also made its own requirements more stringent regarding how much MI products may contain. Additional to environmentally correct products and production methods, the focus at Flügger lies in customer satisfaction achieved through a large degree of professionalism and high quality products. In 2017 Flüggers Quality Management System became certified according to ISO9001:2015 based on the following policy.

Quality and Environmental policy

Flügger designs, manufactures and sells innovative paint solutions to both professionals and private customers.

Our strategy states clearly the responsibility to develop and maintain a socially and economically healthy company.

To meet this responsibility Flügger will:

  • Comply with relevant laws and regulations in the countries where we operate

  • Maintain a high ethical standard via Flüggers Code of Conduct

  • Operate with an open attitude towards those affected by Flügger’s operations

  • Respond to inquiries from external parties and communicate with all parties in a good manner


Quality and our environment are key areas of interest at Flügger, and we work continuously with optimizations and improvements at all levels within the organisation.  

Our Management prioritizations are:

  • High quality, eco-friendly and mainly water-based own produced products

  • Customer’s health by maintaining product approvals through voluntary labeling schemes such as Ecolabel, Swan etc.

  • Optimization through projects that improve customer satisfaction

  • Projects that over time will reduce the environmental impact from products and processes

  • Involvement of employees, selected suppliers, and relevant interested parties in these prioritized projects

  • Continuously improvements of production processes using the LEAN principles

Relevant links


Corporate Governance

Click here

Code of Conduct

Click here